Bulk Gripple Cable Reel
0.00 0.0 USD
500'L reel of Gripple cable.
SL - Cable and Loop End Fixings (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) loop end fixings w/ selected length in 5'L increments between 5' & 20'. Cable sizes available in sizes No. 2 & No. 3. No fasteners included.
SS3/8 - Cable and 3/8 Stud End Fixings (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) 3/8" stud end fixing w/ selected cable length. Cable sizes available in sizes No. 2, No. 3, & No. 4. No fasteners included.
HF - Standard Classic Fastener (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) Standard fasteners. Fasteners only. Used to suspend a variety of HVAC, mechanical and electrical services from different substrates. Must be adjusted w/ key-flag accessory.
HF2-10BB has a safe working load of 100 lbs.
HF3-10BB has a safe working load of 200 lbs.
UG - UniGrip Fasteners (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) standard UniGrip fasteners. Fasteners only. Sizes from No. 2, No. 3, & No. 4. UniGrip - Standard. The next generation of cable suspension products designed for the fast suspension of pipework, ductwork, HVAC systems and modules including multi-tier installations.
UG2-10BB has a safe working load of 120 lbs.
UG3-10BB has a safe working load of 240 lbs.
UG 3/8 FN- UniGrip Fastener with 3/8" stud and center exit (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) UniGrip fasteners with 3/8" stud end, flange nut, and center exit. Fasteners only. The next generation of wire rope suspension products designed for the fast suspension of cable containment, pipework, ductwork, HVAC systems and modules, including multi-tier installations.

UG2-3/8-FN-10BB has a safe working load of 120 lbs.
UG3-3/8-FN-10BB has a safe working load of 240 lbs.
UG3 EY90 QG 10FT Kit (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) UG3 EY90 QG 10FT Unigrip No. 3 fasteners with 1/4" 90 Degree Eyelet End Fixing and 10ft Length of No. 3 cable. Fastener, cable, and end fixing constitute a kit.
0.00 0.0 USD
(1) Gripple Blue Flag Key for Hanger Release Sizes 1 - 3
0.00 0.0 USD
GRP CUTTER (1) Gripple Small Cable Cutter for Sizes 1 - 4
DT2 ACC - Duct Trapeze (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) Duct Trapeze fasteners. Fasteners only. One-way fastener for the fast suspension of rectangular duct and similar equipment in an indoor stationary setting. For use with Size 2 cable. Safe working load of 100 lbs. w/ a 5:1 safe working load.
UG2 PA 10BB - UniGrip Fastener with Phenolic Adapter (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) UG2 PA 10BB UniGrip No. 2 fasteners with Phenolic Adapter. Fasteners only. An efficient phenolic ductwork suspension solution, which utilizes four precisely positioned teeth to attach directly to the ductwork.
0.00 0.0 USD
(1)pc Trapeze Brackets - for use w/ size No. 2 & No. 3 UniGrip fasteners.
SX ADP 3/8
0.00 0.0 USD
SX-ADP-3/8 (1) 3/8" Threaded Rod Adapter for Spider concrete inserts.
XP2 10BB - Express Fasteners (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) XP2 10BB Express fasteners. Fasteners only. For use with size 2 cable only. Cable hanger for the fast suspension of a variety of services in an indoor stationary setting. Featuring a push-button release fastener for easier height adjustments.
UG4-1/2-FN-10BB UniGrip Fastener with 1/2" Stud and Center Exit (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) UG4-1/2-FN-10BB UniGrip fasteners with 1/4" stud end & flange nut. Fasteners only. For use with No. 4 cable only. The next generation of wire rope suspension products designed for the fast suspension of cable containment, pipework, ductwork, HVAC systems and modules, including multi-tier installations.
SSEYE90QG-02-3M/10FT Cable and Eyelet End Fixing
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) No. 2 1/4 90 Degree Eyelet End Fixings and 10 feet of No. 2 cable each
SL02-3M/10FT-SF35 Cable and Shot Fire End Fixing (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) No. 2 1.25" Pin & Ceiling Clip Shot Fire End Fixings and 10 feet of cable each
BT2-10BB - Butterfly Trapeze (Qty 10)
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) BT2 fasteners. Fasteners only. Cable hanger with one-way fastener for the fast suspension of rectangular duct and similar equipment in an indoor stationary setting. NOT suitable for use in chlorinated / swimming pool environments. For use with Size 2 cable. Safe working load of 100 lbs. w/ a 5:1 safe working load.
SSXT2G-02-3M/10FT Cable and Swivel Toggle End Fixing
0.00 0.0 USD
Pack of (10) No. 2 Swivel Toggle End Fixings and 10 feet of cable each for use with Gripple Spiders