JSLOT - Fixed Vane Slot Diffuser for Standard 15/16" Grid
0.00 0.0 USD
Excellent for Variable Volume Systems, Excellent Coanda, Lower Flange Provides Tile Support, Exposed Surfaces Painted White
JSLOT - Fixed Vane Slot Diffuser for Narrow 9/16" Flat Grid
0.00 0.0 USD
Excellent for Variable Volume Systems, Excellent Coanda, Lower Flange Provides Tile Support, Exposed Surfaces Painted White
JF - T-Bar Frame for J-Series Slot Diffusers
0.00 0.0 USD
All Aluminum Construction With White Finish, Specifically Made to Fit the J-Series Diffusers, Tensions Slips on The Diffuser Allow Installation Without Screws.