RAME - Aluminum Return Grille
0.00 0.0 USD
Extruded aluminum return grille with square contour frame & curved blades. Standard white finish.
The 2'x2' lay in is a model RA-T.
The surface mount grilles are a model RAME.
AGE- Plastic Eggcrate (Cubed Core Only)
0.00 0.0 USD
Plastic eggccrate with 1/2"x1/2"x1/2" cubed core, Injection molded in single piece, T-grid and non HVAC application, Plastic white.
ECRD - Ducted Egg Crate Return Grille
0.00 0.0 USD
One piece grille and plenum assembly ready for layin application, sub frame not required, top collars are extra deep for secure duct connection.
80 - Aluminum Egg Crate Grille
0.00 0.0 USD
Aluminum egg crate grilles with countersunk screwholes for surface mount, 1/2"x1/2"x1/2" core, and standard white finish.
80FF- Aluminum eggcrate filter grille
0.00 0.0 USD
Aluminum egg crate return grilles with 20"x20" filter frame for 1" filter, 1/2"x1/2"x1/2" core consisting of heavy gauge aluminum grid core with durable powder coat finish, T-bar lay-in border style with hinged tabs.